
House File 3499, known by its co-sponsors as the "Hydro Power Purchase bill," has just been filed by Representatives Carlos Mariani (chief sponsor, DFL/St. Paul; 651-296-9714; rep.carlos.mariani@house.leg.state.mn.us), Jean Wagenius (DFL/Minneapolis), Alice Hausman (DFL/St. Paul), Karen Clark (DFL/Minneapolis) and Phyllis Kahn (DFL/Minneapolis).

On February 1, Minnesota State Senators Ellen Anderson, Jane Krentz and John Marty had filed SF 2453, the "Hydro Review bill."

The bill would level the informational playing field by requiring that out-of-state hydroelectric facilities submit the same environmental information now required of in-state facilities.


1. Please contact State Senator Bob Lessard's office (651-296-1113) and ask him to hold a hearing on SENATE File 2453 before the end of this year's short session.

2. As for the companion House bill, please contact Rep. Dennis Ozment (R/Rosemount) at 651-296-4306 and ask that his House Environment and Natural Resources Policy Committee hold a hearing on HF 3499 before the end of this year's short session.

3. Reminder: please communicate your objections to more contracts between Manitoba Hydro and Northern States Power...the first comment period ends at 4:30pm Wednesday, February 23. Send comments to

MN Public Utilities Commission
121 Seventh Place East, Suite 350
St. Paul, MN 55101-2147

Include Docket # E-002/M-99-888 in your letter.

Thank you one and all for your continuing and important work on behalf of human rights and C. R. E. E. (conservation, responsibility and energy efficiency) throughout the bioregion.


Ann Stewart
(Information Officer, Pimicikamak Cree Nation)
p: 612.871.8404
e: stewartship@visi.com
f: 612.871.7922

This material is distributed by Ann Stewart (USDOJ FARA #5313) on behalf of Pimicikamak Cree Nation. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington DC.