
Dear Cree sympathizers,

As we continue to gain support for the Hydro Review Bill, S.F. 2453, let's remember to praise the three leaders who have contributed fundamentally to the cause. One of them recently sent me an e-mail expressing his belief in the bill. It came through his staffer, Carolyn Anderson:
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From: "Carolyn Anderson"
Organization: MN Senate
To: birch7@pop.goldengate.net
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 16:34:50 -0600
Subject: hydropower bill
Priority: normal

Dear Diane,

Thanks for letting me know of your support for Senator Anderson's bill to require an environmental impact statement if a Minnesota utility intends to purchase hydropower, even if the purchase is from outside of the state.

I am pleased to co-author this legislation and appreciate hearing of your support.

Warm regards,

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It would be appropriate to phone Senator Marty and tell him "thanks" for co-authoring the bill. His office phone is 651-296-5645.

Let's keep morale high as we seek out more supporters to move this through the Legislature!


Diane J. Peterson
Member, Peace and Social Action Committee
Twin Cities Friends Meeting
St. Paul, Minnesota
(651) 653-4385